Business Insurance You Should Consider
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No matter what type of business you have, or how large or small, you need some basic business insurance if nothing else. Even though many small business owners believe that this type of insurance can be outrageously expensive, these costs can be controlled with higher deductibles and fewer add ons.

Liability insurance comes in various forms. Many states require every small business owner, even if it is just a sole proprietorship with you working out of your kitchen, to have workman’s comp insurance. This type of insurance help pay medical bills for anyone injured on the job. In many states it is very expensive and some business owners simply can’t afford to buy it and run the risk of some heavy fines.

Another type of insurance covers the loss of income you might experience due to a variety of factors such as heavy storms that damaged perhaps an entire city, to the building you or in, or even the long term absence due to medical issues of the company owner – which might be you.

For businesses located in areas of the country that experience some devastating weather patterns are regular basis, such as hurricanes or tornadoes or even snowstorms, which leave miles of sincerely damaged buildings and long-term power outages, no matter how expensive these policies might seem to you, you really can’t afford not to have one.

Something as simple as a flood may cause thousands of dollars worth of damage even in a small office. One of the problems with flooding in relation to business insurance policies, is the cause of the flood. If the flood was caused by water damage resulting from a storm such as a hurricane for instance, you would need to have a separate insurance policy that covered this type of water damage. On the other hand, flooding that was caused by a fire sprinkler system or a broken water heater would most likely be covered.

One of the most common types of business insurance is a liability protection that should always be in place in case you were sued by an unhappy customer. Your policy value should take into consideration your average sale or contract amount. For instance, if you or a building contractor and your average contract is $50,000 you should have liability insurance to cover at least a $50,000 claim.

For small businesses that are run from kiosks and a mall, this type of insurance may not be necessary at all.

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